In our analysis of the protective actions of the novel homeopathic agent AEURA we have 1) investigated the capacity of AEURA to show antiviral effects using virally infected PC12 cells (a neuronal model system) and we have 2) analyzed the effect of AEURA in preventing cell death caused by high extracellular glutamate or by hypoxia/re-oxygenation exposure. AEURA treatment was found to significantly decrease the cell death caused by HSV-1 infection. Similarly, when cells were infected with rhinovirus (the viral agent responsible for the common cold), treatment with AEURA significantly increased cell survival back to control uninfected levels. Under conditions that elicit cell death caused either by glutamate excitotoxicity or by hypoxia/ re-oxygenation it was found that pretreatment with AEURA elicited high level protection against both forms of cell stress and increased cell viability back to the levels of healthy control cells.
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